1-030Same frame as featured in my previous post, but varnished and cut and joined to size. This was a difficult profile to work with because the cement wants to slide down the scoop, exposing the hard edge at the top. I had to angle this way and that as I applied the medium to get it to cover even and smooth. Also had to add extra at the edge to allow for sanding.

The frame below is different, the cement is “distressed” with salt, and un varnished, also tinted with a grey violet.
The rust is embedded in the edge of the frame, rather than being a fillet.


Concrete and rust frame finish by Foursticks.

Concrete and rust frame finish by Foursticks.

Larry Manning








This is what started the idea,  I made it around 2010 for Mark Conahan, who made the “Tile” mat. It’s supposed to simulate a swimming pool. I only used paint to finish this frame, no mortar yet.

so of course, I’m working on a new coping frame.